Elia.network - Tor nodes

This is an official notice regarding the Tor exit node(s) operating on this network's IP address space. If you've reached this page, you're likely investigating (malicious) network traffic originating from our IP address(es).

IMPORTANT: This network operates more then one Tor exit nodes. Tor is a legal anonymity network used by millions of people for legitimate purposes, including privacy protection, censorship circumvention, and security research.

If you're investigating abuse, malicious activity, attacks or any other concerning traffic that appears to originate from our IP address(es), please note:

Before proceeding with any legal action, contact us first to verify whether the traffic in question is indeed Tor exit traffic. This can save time and resources for all parties involved. (especially for us, as legal actions are expensive and time consuming for a student.)

Contact Information:
Email: noc@elia.network
PGP Key: Here

Additional Resources:

This node is operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. We are committed to addressing legitimate concerns while maintaining the privacy and security benefits that Tor provides to its users worldwide.