import { TransformPipe } from '@discord-nestjs/common'; import { Command, DiscordTransformedCommand, On, Payload, TransformedCommandExecutionContext, UsePipes, } from '@discord-nestjs/core'; import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common/services'; import { ComponentType, Events, GuildMember, Interaction, InteractionReplyOptions, } from 'discord.js'; import { JellyfinSearchService } from '../clients/jellyfin/'; import { TrackRequestDto } from '../models/track-request.dto'; import { DiscordMessageService } from '../clients/discord/discord.message.service'; import { formatDuration, intervalToDuration } from 'date-fns'; import { DiscordVoiceService } from '../clients/discord/discord.voice.service'; import { JellyfinStreamBuilderService } from '../clients/jellyfin/'; import { PlaybackService } from '../playback/playback.service'; import { Constants } from '../utils/constants'; import { trimStringToFixedLength } from '../utils/stringUtils'; @Command({ name: 'play', description: 'Search for an item on your Jellyfin instance', }) @UsePipes(TransformPipe) export class PlayItemCommand implements DiscordTransformedCommand { private readonly logger: Logger = new Logger(; constructor( private readonly jellyfinSearchService: JellyfinSearchService, private readonly discordMessageService: DiscordMessageService, private readonly discordVoiceService: DiscordVoiceService, private readonly playbackService: PlaybackService, private readonly jellyfinStreamBuilder: JellyfinStreamBuilderService, ) {} async handler( @Payload() dto: TrackRequestDto, executionContext: TransformedCommandExecutionContext, ): Promise { const items = await; if (items.length < 1) { return { embeds: [ this.discordMessageService.buildErrorMessage({ title: 'No results for your search query found', description: `I was not able to find any matches for your query \`\`${}\`\`. Please check that I have access to the desired libraries and that your query is not misspelled`, }), ], }; } const firstItems = items.slice(0, 10); const lines: string[] = (item) => `:white_small_square: ${trimStringToFixedLength( this.markSearchTermOverlap(item.Name,, 30, )} *(${item.Type})*`, ); const description = `I have found **${ items.length }** results for your search \`\`${ }\`\`.\nFor better readability, I have limited the search results to 10\n\n ${lines.join( '\n', )}`; const emojiForType = (type: string) => { switch (type) { case 'Audio': return '🎵'; case 'Playlist': return '📚'; default: return undefined; } }; const selectOptions: { label: string; value: string; emoji?: string }[] = => ({ label: item.Name, value: item.Id, emoji: emojiForType(item.Type), })); return { embeds: [ this.discordMessageService.buildMessage({ title: 'a', description: description, mixin(embedBuilder) { return embedBuilder.setAuthor({ name: 'Jellyfin Search Results', iconURL: Constants.Design.Icons.JellyfinLogo, }); }, }), ], components: [ { type: ComponentType.ActionRow, components: [ { type: ComponentType.StringSelect, customId: 'searchItemSelect', options: selectOptions, }, ], }, ], }; } @On(Events.InteractionCreate) async onStringSelect(interaction: Interaction) { if (!interaction.isStringSelectMenu()) return; if (interaction.customId !== 'searchItemSelect') { return; } if (interaction.values.length !== 1) { this.logger.warn( `Failed to process interaction select with values [${interaction.values.length}]`, ); return; } const item = await this.jellyfinSearchService.getById( interaction.values[0], ); const milliseconds = item.RunTimeTicks / 10000; const duration = formatDuration( intervalToDuration({ start: milliseconds, end: 0, }), ); const artists = item.Artists.join(', '); const guildMember = interaction.member as GuildMember; const tryResult = this.discordVoiceService.tryJoinChannelAndEstablishVoiceConnection( guildMember, ); if (!tryResult.success) { const replyOptions = tryResult.reply as InteractionReplyOptions; await interaction.update({ embeds: replyOptions.embeds, content: undefined, components: [], }); return; } const bitrate =; const stream = await this.jellyfinStreamBuilder.buildStreamUrl( item.Id, bitrate, ); const addedIndex = this.playbackService.eneuqueTrack({ jellyfinId: item.Id, name: item.Name, durationInMilliseconds: milliseconds, streamUrl: stream, }); await interaction.update({ embeds: [ this.discordMessageService.buildMessage({ title: 'Jellyfin Search', description: `**Duration**: ${duration}\n**Artists**: ${artists}\n\nTrack was added to the queue at position ${addedIndex}`, }), ], components: [], }); } private markSearchTermOverlap(value: string, searchTerm: string) { const startIndex = value.indexOf(searchTerm); const actualValue = value.substring( startIndex, startIndex + 1 + searchTerm.length, ); return `${value.substring( 0, startIndex, )}**${actualValue}**${value.substring( startIndex + 1 + actualValue.length, )}`; } }