const discordclientmanager = require("./discordclientmanager"); const { getAudioDispatcher, setAudioDispatcher } = require("./dispachermanager"); const { ticksToSeconds } = require("./util"); // this whole thing should be a class but its probably too late now. var currentPlayingPlaylist; var currentPlayingPlaylistIndex; var progressInterval; var isPaused; var isRepeat; var _disconnectOnFinish; var _seek; const jellyfinClientManager = require("./jellyfinclientmanager"); function streamURLbuilder (itemID, bitrate) { // so the server transcodes. Seems appropriate as it has the source file. const supportedCodecs = "opus"; const supportedContainers = "ogg,opus"; return `${jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().serverAddress()}/Audio/${itemID}/universal?UserId=${jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().getCurrentUserId()}&DeviceId=${jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().deviceId()}&MaxStreamingBitrate=${bitrate}&Container=${supportedContainers}&AudioCodec=${supportedCodecs}&api_key=${jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().accessToken()}&TranscodingContainer=ts&TranscodingProtocol=hls`; } function startPlaying (voiceconnection = discordclientmanager.getDiscordClient().user.client.voice.connections.first(), itemIDPlaylist = currentPlayingPlaylist, playlistIndex = currentPlayingPlaylistIndex, seekTo, disconnectOnFinish = _disconnectOnFinish) { isPaused = false; currentPlayingPlaylist = itemIDPlaylist; currentPlayingPlaylistIndex = playlistIndex; _disconnectOnFinish = disconnectOnFinish; _seek = seekTo * 1000; async function playasync () { const url = streamURLbuilder(itemIDPlaylist[playlistIndex],; setAudioDispatcher(, { seek: seekTo })); if (seekTo) { jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().reportPlaybackProgress(getProgressPayload()); } else { jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().reportPlaybackStart({ userID: `${jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().getCurrentUserId()}`, itemID: `${itemIDPlaylist[playlistIndex]}`, canSeek: true, playSessionId: getPlaySessionId(), playMethod: getPlayMethod() }); } getAudioDispatcher().on("finish", () => { if (currentPlayingPlaylist.length < playlistIndex) { if (disconnectOnFinish) { stop(voiceconnection, currentPlayingPlaylist[playlistIndex - 1]); } else { stop(undefined, currentPlayingPlaylist[playlistIndex - 1]); } } else { startPlaying(voiceconnection, itemIDPlaylist, currentPlayingPlaylistIndex + 1, 0); } }); } playasync().catch((rsn) => { console.error(rsn); }); } /** * @param {Number} toSeek - where to seek in ticks */ function seek (toSeek = 0) { if (getAudioDispatcher()) { startPlaying(undefined, undefined, undefined, ticksToSeconds(toSeek), _disconnectOnFinish); jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().reportPlaybackProgress(getProgressPayload()); } else { throw Error("No Song Playing"); } } function nextTrack () { // console.log(currentPlayingPlaylistIndex + 1, currentPlayingPlaylist.length); if (!(currentPlayingPlaylist)) { throw Error("There is currently nothing playing"); } else if (currentPlayingPlaylistIndex + 1 >= currentPlayingPlaylist.length) { throw Error("This is the Last song"); } startPlaying(undefined, undefined, currentPlayingPlaylistIndex + 1, 0, _disconnectOnFinish); } function previousTrack () { if (ticksToSeconds(getPostitionTicks()) < 10) { if (!(currentPlayingPlaylist)) { throw Error("There is currently nothing playing"); } else if (currentPlayingPlaylistIndex - 1 < 0) { startPlaying(undefined, undefined, currentPlayingPlaylistIndex, 0, _disconnectOnFinish); throw Error("This is the First song"); } startPlaying(undefined, undefined, currentPlayingPlaylistIndex - 1, 0, _disconnectOnFinish); } } /** * @param {Object=} disconnectVoiceConnection - Optional The voice Connection do disconnect from */ function stop (disconnectVoiceConnection, itemId = getItemId()) { isPaused = true; if (disconnectVoiceConnection) { disconnectVoiceConnection.disconnect(); } jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().reportPlaybackStopped({ userId: jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().getCurrentUserId(), itemId: itemId, playSessionId: getPlaySessionId() }); if (getAudioDispatcher()) { getAudioDispatcher().destroy(); } setAudioDispatcher(undefined); clearInterval(progressInterval); } function pause () { isPaused = true; jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().reportPlaybackProgress(getProgressPayload()); getAudioDispatcher().pause(true); } function resume () { isPaused = false; jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().reportPlaybackProgress(getProgressPayload()); getAudioDispatcher().resume(); } function playPause () { if (!(getAudioDispatcher())) { throw Error("There is nothing Playing right now!"); } if (getAudioDispatcher().paused) { resume(); } else { pause(); } } function getPostitionTicks () { // this is very sketchy but i dont know how else to do it return (_seek + getAudioDispatcher().streamTime - getAudioDispatcher().pausedTime) * 10000; } function getPlayMethod () { // TODO figure out how to figure this out return "Transcode"; } function getRepeatMode () { if (isRepeat) { return "RepeatOne"; } else { return "RepeatNone"; } } function getPlaylistItemId () { return getItemId(); } function getPlaySessionId () { // i think its just a number which you dont need to retrieve but need to report return "ae2436edc6b91b11d72aeaa67f84e0ea"; } function getNowPLayingQueue () { return [{ Id: getItemId(), // as I curently dont support Playlists PlaylistItemId: getPlaylistItemId() }]; } function getCanSeek () { return true; } function getIsMuted () { return false; } function getVolumeLevel () { return 100; } function getItemId () { return currentPlayingPlaylist[currentPlayingPlaylistIndex]; } function getIsPaused () { // AudioDispacker Paused is to slow if (isPaused === undefined) { isPaused = false; } return isPaused; } function setIsRepeat (arg) { isRepeat = arg; } function getProgressPayload () { const payload = { CanSeek: getCanSeek(), IsMuted: getIsMuted(), IsPaused: getIsPaused(), ItemId: getItemId(), MediaSourceId: getItemId(), NowPlayingQueue: getNowPLayingQueue(), PlayMethod: getPlayMethod(), PlaySessionId: getPlaySessionId(), PlaylistItemId: getPlaylistItemId(), PositionTicks: getPostitionTicks(), RepeatMode: getRepeatMode(), VolumeLevel: getVolumeLevel(), EventName: "pauseplayupdate" }; return payload; } module.exports = { startPlaying, stop, playPause, resume, pause, seek, setIsRepeat, nextTrack, previousTrack, getPostitionTicks };