const CONFIG = require("../config.json"); const Discord = require("discord.js"); const { checkJellyfinItemIDRegex } = require("./util"); const { getAudioDispatcher } = require("./dispachermanager"); const discordclientmanager = require("./discordclientmanager"); const jellyfinClientManager = require("./jellyfinclientmanager"); const playbackmanager = require("./playbackmanager"); const websocketHanler = require("./websockethandler"); const discordClient = discordclientmanager.getDiscordClient(); var isSummendByPlay = false; // random Color of the Jellyfin Logo Gradient function getRandomDiscordColor () { function randomNumber (b, a) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * Math.pow(Math.pow((b - a), 2), 1 / 2)) + (b > a ? a : b)); } const GRANDIENT_START = "#AA5CC3"; const GRANDIENT_END = "#00A4DC"; let rS = GRANDIENT_START.slice(1, 3); let gS = GRANDIENT_START.slice(3, 5); let bS = GRANDIENT_START.slice(5, 7); rS = parseInt(rS, 16); gS = parseInt(gS, 16); bS = parseInt(bS, 16); let rE = GRANDIENT_END.slice(1, 3); let gE = GRANDIENT_END.slice(3, 5); let bE = GRANDIENT_END.slice(5, 7); rE = parseInt(rE, 16); gE = parseInt(gE, 16); bE = parseInt(bE, 16); return ("#" + ("00" + (randomNumber(rS, rE)).toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("00" + (randomNumber(gS, gE)).toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("00" + (randomNumber(bS, bE)).toString(16)).substr(-2)); } async function searchForItemID (searchString) { const response = await jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().getSearchHints({ searchTerm: searchString, includeItemTypes: "Audio" }); if (response.TotalRecordCount < 1) { throw Error("Found no Song"); } else { return response.SearchHints[0].ItemId; } } function summon (voiceChannel) { voiceChannel.join(); } function summonMessage (message) { if (! { message.reply("please join a voice channel to summon me!"); } else if ( === "dm") { message.reply("no dms"); } else { summon(; } } async function playThis (message) { const indexOfItemID = message.content.indexOf(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "play") + (CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "play").length + 1; const argument = message.content.slice(indexOfItemID); let itemID; // check if play command was used with itemID const regexresults = checkJellyfinItemIDRegex(argument); if (regexresults) { itemID = regexresults[0]; } else { try { itemID = await searchForItemID(argument); } catch (e) { message.reply(e.message); playbackmanager.stop(discordClient.user.client.voice.connections.first()); return; } } discordClient.user.client.voice.connections.forEach((element) => { playbackmanager.startPlaying(element, itemID, isSummendByPlay); }); } function handleChannelMessage (message) { getRandomDiscordColor(); if (message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "summon")) { isSummendByPlay = false; websocketHanler.openSocket(); summonMessage(message); } else if (message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "disconnect")) { playbackmanager.stop(); jellyfinClientManager.getJellyfinClient().closeWebSocket(); discordClient.user.client.voice.connections.forEach((element) => { element.disconnect(); }); } else if ((message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "pause")) || (message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "resume"))) { if (getAudioDispatcher() !== undefined) { playbackmanager.playPause(); } else { message.reply("there is nothing playing!"); } } else if (message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "play")) { if (discordClient.user.client.voice.connections.size < 1) { summonMessage(message); isSummendByPlay = true; } playThis(message); } else if (message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "stop")) { if (isSummendByPlay) { if (discordClient.user.client.voice.connections.size > 0) { playbackmanager.stop(discordClient.user.client.voice.connections.first()); } } else { playbackmanager.stop(); } } else if (message.content.startsWith(CONFIG["discord-prefix"] + "help")) { const reply = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor(getRandomDiscordColor()) .addFields({ name: `${CONFIG["discord-prefix"]}summon`, value: "Join the channel the author of the message" }, { name: `${CONFIG["discord-prefix"]}disconnect`, value: "Disconnect from all current Voice Channels" }, { name: `${CONFIG["discord-prefix"]}play`, value: "Play the following item" }, { name: `${CONFIG["discord-prefix"]}pause/resume`, value: "Pause/Resume audio" }, { name: `${CONFIG["discord-prefix"]}help`, value: "Display this help message" });; } } module.exports = { handleChannelMessage };