aktuelle.kurse/m133/Weiteres/Modul_Unterlagen_133_VO/08 Uebungen/03 PHP Grundlagen/php-4.2.2-Win32/pear/Crypt/CBC.php

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2022-02-24 09:37:43 +01:00
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4.0 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2001 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Colin Viebrock <colin@easydns.com> |
// | Mike Glover <mpg4@duluoz.net> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
require_once 'PEAR.php';
* Class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module
* Blowfish support is not completely working, mainly because of a bug
* discovered in libmcrypt (version 2.4.8 and earlier). If you are running
* a later version of libmcrypt > 2.4.8, you can do Blowfish encryption
* that is compatable with Perl. However, check the libmcrypt documenation
* as to whether you should use 'BLOWFISH' or 'BLOWFISH-COMPAT' when
* specifying the cipher.
* If you are using libmcrypt <= 2.4.8, Blowfish encryption will work,
* but your data will not be readable by Perl scripts. It will work
* "internally" .. i.e. this class will be able to encode/decode the data.
* This class will no longer work with libmcrypt 2.2.x versions.
* NOTE: the cipher names in this class may change depending on how
* the author of libcrypt decides to name things internally.
* @version $Id: CBC.php,v 1.13 2001/12/20 17:20:24 cmv Exp $
* @author Colin Viebrock <colin@easydns.com>
* @author Mike Glover <mpg4@duluoz.net>
* @access public
* @package Crypt
class Crypt_CBC extends PEAR {
* supported procedures
* @var array
var $known_ciphers = array (
* used cipher
* @var string
var $cipher;
* crypt resource, for 2.4.x
* @var string
var $TD;
* blocksize of cipher
* @var string
var $blocksize;
* keysize of cipher
* @var int
var $keysize;
* mangled key
* @var string
var $keyhash;
* source type of the initialization vector for creation
* @var int
var $rand_source = MCRYPT_RAND;
* header
* @var string
var $header_spec = 'RandomIV';
* debugging
* @var string
var $_last_clear;
* debugging
* @var string
var $_last_crypt;
* Constructor
* $key is the key to use for encryption. $cipher can be DES, BLOWFISH or
* @param $key encryption key
* @param $cipher which algorithm to use, defaults to DES
* @return $return either a PEAR error or true
* @access public
function Crypt_CBC ($key, $cipher='DES')
if (!extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
return $this->raiseError('mcrypt module is not compiled into PHP', null,
PEAR_ERROR_DIE, null, 'compile PHP using "--with-mcrypt"' );
if (!function_exists('mcrypt_module_open')) {
return $this->raiseError('libmcrypt is 2.2.x', null,
PEAR_ERROR_DIE, null, 'this class only works with libmcrypt 2.4.x and later' );
/* seed randomizer */
srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
/* initialize */
$this->header_spec = 'RandomIV';
/* check for key */
if (!$key) {
return $this->raiseError('no key specified');
/* check for cipher */
$cipher = strtoupper($cipher);
if (!isset($this->known_ciphers[$cipher])) {
return $this->raiseError('unknown cipher "'.$cipher.'"' );
$this->cipher = $this->known_ciphers[$cipher];
/* initialize cipher */
$this->blocksize = mcrypt_get_block_size($this->cipher,'cbc');
$this->keysize = mcrypt_get_key_size($this->cipher,'cbc');
$this->TD = mcrypt_module_open ($this->cipher, '', 'ecb', '');
/* mangle key with MD5 */
$this->keyhash = $this->_md5perl($key);
while( strlen($this->keyhash) < $this->keysize ) {
$this->keyhash .= $this->_md5perl($this->keyhash);
$this->key = substr($this->keyhash, 0, $this->keysize);
return true;
* Destructor
function _Crypt_CBC ()
* Encryption method
* @param $clear plaintext
* @return $crypt encrypted text, or PEAR error
* @access public
function encrypt($clear)
$this->last_clear = $clear;
/* new IV for each message */
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($this->blocksize, $this->rand_source);
/* create the message header */
$crypt = $this->header_spec . $iv;
/* pad the cleartext */
$padsize = $this->blocksize - (strlen($clear) % $this->blocksize);
$clear .= str_repeat(pack ('C*', $padsize), $padsize);
/* do the encryption */
$start = 0;
while ( $block = substr($clear, $start, $this->blocksize) ) {
$start += $this->blocksize;
if (mcrypt_generic_init($this->TD, $this->key, $iv) < 0 ) {
return $this->raiseError('mcrypt_generic_init failed' );
$cblock = mcrypt_generic($this->TD, $iv^$block );
$iv = $cblock;
$crypt .= $cblock;
$this->last_crypt = $crypt;
return $crypt;
* Decryption method
* @param $crypt encrypted text
* @return $clear plaintext, or PEAR error
* @access public
function decrypt($crypt) {
$this->last_crypt = $crypt;
/* get the IV from the message header */
$iv_offset = strlen($this->header_spec);
$header = substr($crypt, 0, $iv_offset);
$iv = substr ($crypt, $iv_offset, $this->blocksize);
if ( $header != $this->header_spec ) {
return $this->raiseError('no initialization vector');
$crypt = substr($crypt, $iv_offset+$this->blocksize);
/* decrypt the message */
$start = 0;
$clear = '';
while ( $cblock = substr($crypt, $start, $this->blocksize) ) {
$start += $this->blocksize;
if (mcrypt_generic_init($this->TD, $this->key, $iv) < 0 ) {
return $this->raiseError('mcrypt_generic_init failed' );
$block = $iv ^ mdecrypt_generic($this->TD, $cblock);
$iv = $cblock;
$clear .= $block;
/* remove the padding from the end of the cleartext */
$padsize = ord(substr($clear, -1));
$clear = substr($clear, 0, -$padsize);
$this->last_clear = $clear;
return $clear;
* Emulate Perl's MD5 function, which returns binary data
* @param $string string to MD5
* @return $hash binary hash
* @access private
function _md5perl($string)
return pack('H*', md5($string));