Enabling Business Agility in a Nutshell – Free Infographic Poster

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Business Performance TeamMost CEO’s today say Business Agility is important to them. It´s becoming more and more clear that organizations that enable their employees to find the best solutions to important problems outperform their competitors. To do this we many times need to take a very different perspective on how to manage our companies than what we have been used to. Old leadership principles and management practices don´t give the support or control they used to – they are instead actively hindering the organization from acting on new knowledge and doing whats best for the company and the customers.

How to create human and flexible organizations for more value

In this poster we cover the combination of the people perspective and the business perspective and how new perspectives and ways of working can enable business agility. Only once these two perspectives are in sync we can truly empower people and build learning organizations that not just handle complexity better – but even uses it as a business advantage.

To create this poster I have worked with two of the front runners within both of the areas (together with Managers) that most of all have to change to enable Business Agility, Bjarte Bogsnes within Finance and Pia-Maria Thorén within HR.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download the Enabling Business Agility Poster for free (PDF) >

FREE DOWNLOAD: Portuguese >

Enabling Business Agility

Pia-Maria Thorén - Inspiration Director at Agile People and Bjarte Bogsnes - Chairman Beyond Budgeting Roundtable. Björn Sandberg has also contributed with his elegant model for learning organizations.

TRAINING: Don´t miss learning all about how to do this at the awesome training “Enabling Business Agility” with Pia-Maria and Bjarte Bogsnes at Dandy People in Stockholm!

Beyond Budgeting Principles
Beyond Budgeting principles

Separating Business processes to enable Business Agility

Separate conflicting purposes into different processes and then improve each one

People Perspective – Theory X and Y

If we have an X view on people we believe they are lazy and don’t want to do a good job. They need to be managed and controlled to do their work and have very little creativity. This is reflecting how traditional management processes are set up.

If we have an Y view on people we believe that under the right conditions people like to work and that they are creative. People are motivated when they take ownership and set their own goals. This is a modern management view for the knowledge era of today.

Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

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Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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Here you find all the other posters in the series that are now translated to 15 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide.

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Our Trainings
Agile Leadership in a Nutshell – Agilt ledarskap med Certifiering – 2 dagar
Target Group: Ledare och chefer, oavsett branch eller nivå. Alla som vill öka sitt teams, arbetsgrupp eller organisations innovationskraft och effektivitet. Ledare som vill leda en snabbrörlig agil organisation.
Teachers: Björn Sandberg, Mia Kolmodin
Nästa tillfälle: 16 November