aktuelle.kurse/old_m133/Modul_Unterlagen_133_VOR/08-Uebungen/03 PHP Grundlagen/php-4.2.2-Win32/pear/HTML/IT.php
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
// | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Ulf Wendel <ulf.wendel@phpdoc.de> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: IT.php,v 1.13 2002/02/28 08:27:13 sebastian Exp $
* Integrated Template - IT
* Well there's not much to say about it. I needed a template class that
* supports a single template file with multiple (nested) blocks inside and
* a simple block API.
* The Isotemplate API is somewhat tricky for a beginner although it is the best
* one you can build. template::parse() [phplib template = Isotemplate] requests
* you to name a source and a target where the current block gets parsed into.
* Source and target can be block names or even handler names. This API gives you
* a maximum of fexibility but you always have to know what you do which is
* quite unusual for php skripter like me.
* I noticed that I do not any control on which block gets parsed into which one.
* If all blocks are within one file, the script knows how they are nested and in
* which way you have to parse them. IT knows that inner1 is a child of block2, there's
* no need to tell him about this.
* <table border>
* <tr>
* <td colspan=2>
* __global__
* <p>
* (hidden and automatically added)
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>block1</td>
* <td>
* <table border>
* <tr>
* <td colspan=2>block2</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>inner1</td>
* <td>inner2</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* To add content to block1 you simply type:
* <code>$tpl->setCurrentBlock("block1");</code>
* and repeat this as often as needed:
* <code>
* $tpl->setVariable(...);
* $tpl->parseCurrentBlock();
* </code>
* To add content to block2 you would type something like:
* <code>
* $tpl->setCurrentBlock("inner1");
* $tpl->setVariable(...);
* $tpl->parseCurrentBlock();
* $tpl->setVariable(...);
* $tpl->parseCurrentBlock();
* $tpl->parse("block1");
* </code>
* This will result in one repition of block1 which contains two repitions
* of inner1. inner2 will be removed if $removeEmptyBlock is set to true which is the default.
* Usage:
* <code>
* $tpl = new IntegratedTemplate( [string filerootdir] );
* // load a template or set it with setTemplate()
* $tpl->loadTemplatefile( string filename [, boolean removeUnknownVariables, boolean removeEmptyBlocks] )
* // set "global" Variables meaning variables not beeing within a (inner) block
* $tpl->setVariable( string variablename, mixed value );
* // like with the Isotemplates there's a second way to use setVariable()
* $tpl->setVariable( array ( string varname => mixed value ) );
* // Let's use any block, even a deeply nested one
* $tpl->setCurrentBlock( string blockname );
* // repeat this as often as you need it.
* $tpl->setVariable( array ( string varname => mixed value ) );
* $tpl->parseCurrentBlock();
* // get the parsed template or print it: $tpl->show()
* $tpl->get();
* </code>
* @author Ulf Wendel <uw@netuse.de>
* @version $Id: IT.php,v 1.13 2002/02/28 08:27:13 sebastian Exp $
* @access public
* @package IX[X]
class IntegratedTemplate {
* Contains the error objects
* @var array
* @access public
* @see halt(), $printError, $haltOnError
var $err = array();
* Clear cache on get()?
* @var boolean
var $clearCache = false;
* First character of a variable placeholder ( _{_VARIABLE} ).
* @var string
* @access public
* @see $closingDelimiter, $blocknameRegExp, $variablenameRegExp
var $openingDelimiter = "{";
* Last character of a variable placeholder ( {VARIABLE_}_ ).
* @var string
* @access public
* @see $openingDelimiter, $blocknameRegExp, $variablenameRegExp
var $closingDelimiter = "}";
* RegExp matching a block in the template.
* Per default "sm" is used as the regexp modifier, "i" is missing.
* That means a case sensitive search is done.
* @var string
* @access public
* @see $variablenameRegExp, $openingDelimiter, $closingDelimiter
var $blocknameRegExp = "[0-9A-Za-z_-]+";
* RegExp matching a variable placeholder in the template.
* Per default "sm" is used as the regexp modifier, "i" is missing.
* That means a case sensitive search is done.
* @var string
* @access public
* @see $blocknameRegExp, $openingDelimiter, $closingDelimiter
var $variablenameRegExp = "[0-9A-Za-z_-]+";
* RegExp used to find variable placeholder, filled by the constructor.
* @var string Looks somewhat like @(delimiter varname delimiter)@
* @access public
* @see IntegratedTemplate()
var $variablesRegExp = "";
* RegExp used to strip unused variable placeholder.
* @brother $variablesRegExp
var $removeVariablesRegExp = "";
* Controls the handling of unknown variables, default is remove.
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $removeUnknownVariables = true;
* Controls the handling of empty blocks, default is remove.
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $removeEmptyBlocks = true;
* RegExp used to find blocks an their content, filled by the constructor.
* @var string
* @see IntegratedTemplate()
var $blockRegExp = "";
* Name of the current block.
* @var string
var $currentBlock = "__global__";
* Content of the template.
* @var string
var $template = "";
* Array of all blocks and their content.
* @var array
* @see findBlocks()
var $blocklist = array();
* Array with the parsed content of a block.
* @var array
var $blockdata = array();
* Array of variables in a block.
* @var array
var $blockvariables = array();
* Array of inner blocks of a block.
* @var array
var $blockinner = array();
* List of blocks to preverse even if they are "empty".
* This is something special. Sometimes you have blocks that
* should be preserved although they are empty (no placeholder replaced).
* Think of a shopping basket. If it's empty you have to drop a message to
* the user. If it's filled you have to show the contents of the shopping baseket.
* Now where do you place the message that the basket is empty? It's no good
* idea to place it in you applications as customers tend to like unecessary minor
* text changes. Having another template file for an empty basket means that it's
* very likely that one fine day the filled and empty basket templates have different
* layout. I decided to introduce blocks that to not contain any placeholder but only
* text such as the message "Your shopping basked is empty".
* Now if there is no replacement done in such a block the block will be recognized
* as "empty" and by default ($removeEmptyBlocks = true) be stripped off. To avoid this
* you can now call touchBlock() to avoid this.
* The array $touchedBlocks stores a list of touched block which must not be removed even
* if they are empty.
* @var array $touchedBlocks
* @see touchBlock(), $removeEmptyBlocks
var $touchedBlocks = array();
* Variable cache.
* Variables get cached before any replacement is done.
* Advantage: empty blocks can be removed automatically.
* Disadvantage: might take some more memory
* @var array
* @see setVariable(), $clearCacheOnParse
var $variableCache = array();
* Clear the variable cache on parse?
* If you're not an expert just leave the default false.
* True reduces memory consumption somewhat if you tend to
* add lots of values for unknown placeholder.
* @var boolean
var $clearCacheOnParse = false;
* Root directory for all file operations.
* The string gets prefixed to all filenames given.
* @var string
* @see IntegratedTemplate(), setRoot()
var $fileRoot = "";
* Internal flag indicating that a blockname was used multiple times.
* @var boolean
var $flagBlocktrouble = false;
* Flag indicating that the global block was parsed.
* @var boolean
var $flagGlobalParsed = false;
* Flag indication that a template gets cached.
* Complex templates require some times to be preparsed
* before the replacement can take place. Often I use
* one template file over and over again but I don't know
* before that I will use the same template file again.
* Now IT could notice this and skip the preparse.
* @var boolean
var $flagCacheTemplatefile = true;
var $lastTemplatefile = "";
* Builds some complex regular expressions and optinally sets the file root directory.
* Make sure that you call this constructor if you derive your template
* class from this one.
* @param string File root directory, prefix for all filenames given to the object.
* @see setRoot()
function IntegratedTemplate($root = "") {
$this->variablesRegExp = "@" . $this->openingDelimiter . "(" . $this->variablenameRegExp . ")" . $this->closingDelimiter . "@sm";
$this->removeVariablesRegExp = "@" . $this->openingDelimiter . "\s*(" . $this->variablenameRegExp . ")\s*" . $this->closingDelimiter . "@sm";
$this->blockRegExp = '@<!--\s+BEGIN\s+(' . $this->blocknameRegExp . ')\s+-->(.*)<!--\s+END\s+\1\s+-->@sm';
} // end constructor
* Print a certain block with all replacements done.
* @brother get()
function show($block = "__global__") {
print $this->get($block);
} // end func show
* Returns a block with all replacements done.
* @param string name of the block
* @return string
* @throws IT_Error
* @access public
* @see show()
function get($block = "__global__") {
if ("__global__" == $block && !$this->flagGlobalParsed)
if (!isset($this->blocklist[$block])) {
new IT_Error("The block '$block' was not found in the template.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return "";
if ($this->clearCache) {
$data = (isset($this->blockdata[$block])) ? $this->blockdata[$block] : "";
return $data;
} else {
return (isset($this->blockdata[$block])) ? $this->blockdata[$block] : "";
} // end func get()
* Parses the given block.
* @param string name of the block to be parsed
* @access public
* @see parseCurrentBlock()
* @throws IT_Error
function parse($block = "__global__", $flag_recursion = false) {
if (!isset($this->blocklist[$block])) {
return new IT_Error("The block '$block' was not found in the template.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return false;
if ("__global__" == $block)
$this->flagGlobalParsed = true;
$regs = array();
$values = array();
if ($this->clearCacheOnParse) {
foreach ($this->variableCache as $name => $value) {
$regs[] = "@" . $this->openingDelimiter . $name . $this->closingDelimiter . "@";
$values[] = $value;
$this->variableCache = array();
} else {
foreach ($this->blockvariables[$block] as $allowedvar => $v) {
if (isset($this->variableCache[$allowedvar])) {
$regs[] = "@".$this->openingDelimiter . $allowedvar . $this->closingDelimiter . "@";
$values[] = $this->variableCache[$allowedvar];
$outer = (0 == count($regs)) ? $this->blocklist[$block] : preg_replace($regs, $values, $this->blocklist[$block]);
$empty = (0 == count($values)) ? true : false;
if (isset($this->blockinner[$block])) {
foreach ($this->blockinner[$block] as $k => $innerblock) {
$this->parse($innerblock, true);
if ("" != $this->blockdata[$innerblock])
$empty = false;
$placeholder = $this->openingDelimiter . "__" . $innerblock . "__" . $this->closingDelimiter;
$outer = str_replace($placeholder, $this->blockdata[$innerblock], $outer);
$this->blockdata[$innerblock] = "";
if ($this->removeUnknownVariables)
$outer = preg_replace($this->removeVariablesRegExp, "", $outer);
if ($empty) {
if (!$this->removeEmptyBlocks) {
$this->blockdata[$block ].= $outer;
} else {
if (isset($this->touchedBlocks[$block])) {
$this->blockdata[$block] .= $outer;
} else {
$this->blockdata[$block] .= $outer;
return $empty;
} // end func parse
* Parses the current block
* @see parse(), setCurrentBlock(), $currentBlock
* @access public
function parseCurrentBlock() {
return $this->parse($this->currentBlock);
} // end func parseCurrentBlock
* Sets a variable value.
* The function can be used eighter like setVariable( "varname", "value")
* or with one array $variables["varname"] = "value" given setVariable($variables)
* quite like phplib templates set_var().
* @param mixed string with the variable name or an array %variables["varname"] = "value"
* @param string value of the variable or empty if $variable is an array.
* @param string prefix for variable names
* @access public
function setVariable($variable, $value = "") {
if (is_array($variable)) {
$this->variableCache = array_merge($this->variableCache, $variable);
} else {
$this->variableCache[$variable] = $value;
} // end func setVariable
* Sets the name of the current block that is the block where variables are added.
* @param string name of the block
* @return boolean false on failure, otherwise true
* @throws IT_Error
* @access public
function setCurrentBlock($block = "__global__") {
if (!isset($this->blocklist[$block]))
return new IT_Error("Can't find the block '$block' in the template.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$this->currentBlock = $block;
return true;
} // end func setCurrentBlock
* Preserves an empty block even if removeEmptyBlocks is true.
* @param string name of the block
* @return boolean false on false, otherwise true
* @throws IT_Error
* @access public
* @see $removeEmptyBlocks
function touchBlock($block) {
if (!isset($this->blocklist[$block]))
return new IT_Error("Can't find the block '$block' in the template.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$this->touchedBlocks[$block] = true;
return true;
} // end func touchBlock
* Clears all datafields of the object and rebuild the internal blocklist
* LoadTemplatefile() and setTemplate() automatically call this function
* when a new template is given. Don't use this function
* unless you know what you're doing.
* @access public
* @see free()
function init() {
// we don't need it any more
$this->template = '';
} // end func init
* Clears all datafields of the object.
* Don't use this function unless you know what you're doing.
* @access public
* @see init()
function free() {
$this->err = array();
$this->currentBlock = "__global__";
$this->variableCache = array();
$this->blocklookup = array();
$this->touchedBlocks = array();
$this->flagBlocktrouble = false;
$this->flagGlobalParsed = false;
} // end func free
* Sets the template.
* You can eighter load a template file from disk with LoadTemplatefile() or set the
* template manually using this function.
* @param string template content
* @param boolean remove unknown/unused variables?
* @param boolean remove empty blocks?
* @see LoadTemplatefile(), $template
* @access public
function setTemplate($template, $removeUnknownVariables = true, $removeEmptyBlocks = true) {
$this->removeUnknownVariables = $removeUnknownVariables;
$this->removeEmptyBlocks = $removeEmptyBlocks;
if ("" == $template && $this->flagCacheTemplatefile) {
$this->variableCache = array();
$this->blockdata = array();
$this->touchedBlocks = array();
$this->currentBlock = "__global__";
} else {
$this->template = '<!-- BEGIN __global__ -->' . $template . '<!-- END __global__ -->';
if ($this->flagBlocktrouble)
return false;
return true;
} // end func setTemplate
* Reads a template file from the disk.
* @param string name of the template file
* @param bool how to handle unknown variables.
* @param bool how to handle empty blocks.
* @access public
* @return boolean false on failure, otherwise true
* @see $template, setTemplate(), $removeUnknownVariables, $removeEmptyBlocks
function loadTemplatefile($filename, $removeUnknownVariables = true, $removeEmptyBlocks = true) {
$template = "";
if (!$this->flagCacheTemplatefile || $this->lastTemplatefile != $filename)
$template = $this->getfile($filename);
$this->lastTemplatefile = $filename;
return $this->setTemplate($template, $removeUnknownVariables, $removeEmptyBlocks);
} // end func LoadTemplatefile
* Sets the file root. The file root gets prefixed to all filenames passed to the object.
* Make sure that you override this function when using the class
* on windows.
* @param string
* @see IntegratedTemplate()
* @access public
function setRoot($root) {
if ("" != $root && "/" != substr($root, -1))
$root .= "/";
$this->fileRoot = $root;
} // end func setRoot
* Build a list of all variables within of a block
function buildBlockvariablelist() {
foreach ($this->blocklist as $name => $content) {
preg_match_all( $this->variablesRegExp, $content, $regs );
if (0 != count($regs[1])) {
foreach ($regs[1] as $k => $var)
$this->blockvariables[$name][$var] = true;
} else {
$this->blockvariables[$name] = array();
} // end func buildBlockvariablelist
* Returns a list of all
function getGlobalvariables() {
$regs = array();
$values = array();
foreach ($this->blockvariables["__global__"] as $allowedvar => $v) {
if (isset($this->variableCache[$allowedvar])) {
$regs[] = "@" . $this->openingDelimiter . $allowedvar . $this->closingDelimiter."@";
$values[] = $this->variableCache[$allowedvar];
return array($regs, $values);
} // end func getGlobalvariables
* Recusively builds a list of all blocks within the template.
* @param string string that gets scanned
* @see $blocklist
function findBlocks($string) {
$blocklist = array();
if (preg_match_all($this->blockRegExp, $string, $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($regs as $k => $match) {
$blockname = $match[1];
$blockcontent = $match[2];
if (isset($this->blocklist[$blockname])) {
new IT_Error("The name of a block must be unique within a template. Found '$blockname' twice. Unpredictable results may appear.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$this->flagBlocktrouble = true;
$this->blocklist[$blockname] = $blockcontent;
$this->blockdata[$blockname] = "";
$blocklist[] = $blockname;
$inner = $this->findBlocks($blockcontent);
foreach ($inner as $k => $name) {
$pattern = sprintf('@<!--\s+BEGIN\s+%s\s+-->(.*)<!--\s+END\s+%s\s+-->@sm',
$this->blocklist[$blockname] = preg_replace( $pattern,
$this->openingDelimiter . "__" . $name . "__" . $this->closingDelimiter,
$this->blockinner[$blockname][] = $name;
$this->blockparents[$name] = $blockname;
return $blocklist;
} // end func findBlocks
* Reads a file from disk and returns its content.
* @param string Filename
* @return string Filecontent
function getFile($filename) {
if ("/" == $filename{0} && "/" == substr($this->fileRoot, -1))
$filename = substr($filename, 1);
$filename = $this->fileRoot . $filename;
if (!($fh = @fopen($filename, "r"))) {
new IT_Error("Can't read '$filename'.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return "";
$content = fread($fh, filesize($filename));
return preg_replace("#<!-- INCLUDE (.*) -->#ime", "\$this->getFile('\\1')", $content);
} // end func getFile
} // end class IntegratedTemplate